

来源单位及审核人: 编辑:审核发布:资源环境学院发布时间:2023-05-22




报告题目:Nanoparticles in the Critical Zone: from Biofilms to Volcanoes


报告人:Marc BENEDETTI 教授


摘要:Nanoparticles (NPs) are essential components of the critical zone. They have been present from the origin of the Earth to modern humans, with life evolving in close association with natural NPs. This synergy began to change dramatically in the Anthropocene, since the industrial revolution accidental NPs (produced unintentionally by human activity) have been continuously distributed in the critical zone. In some regions, their fluxes are now comparable to the amount of naturally occurring NPs. This increase in nanoparticles production and use raises important concerns regarding their potential to negatively impact ecosystems. In this talk, the fate and transformation of NPs in the critical zone, ranged from bacterial biofilm/mineral interfaces to active volcanic region, will be discussed.


报告题目:Carbon Sequestration in Paddy Soils: Contribution and Mechanisms of Mineral-Associated SOC Formation




摘要:In this work, comparative study of paddy and upland soils were carried out to unravel mechanisms of enhanced soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration in paddy soils using fractionation methods, 13C-NMR and Nano-SIMS analysis, as well as organic layer thickness calculations (Core-Shell model). The results showed that although there is a strong increase in particulate SOC in paddy soils compared to that in the upland soils, the increase in mineral-associated SOC is more important, explaining 60-75% of SOC increase in the paddy soils. The functioning of the “iron wheel” process stimulates accumulation of relatively young SOC into mineral-associated organic carbon pool, and reduces the difference in chemical structure between oxides-bound and clay-bound SOC. Further, the faster turnover of oxides and soil aggregates in paddy soil also facilities interaction between SOC and minerals. The formation of mineral-associated SOC may delay degradation of organic matter during both wet and dry period in the paddy field, therefore enhancing carbon sequestration in paddy soils.


Marc BENEDETTI,法国巴黎地球物理学院-巴黎西岱大学(IPGP-Université Paris Cité)教授,法国国家科学研究院(CNRS)研究员,美国化学学会(ACS)、地球化学学会(GS)、美国地球物理联合会(AGU)会士。NICA-Donnan模型的创建者之一,Donnan膜技术(DMT)的早期研究者,在采用新兴分析技术(SC-DMT/IKE/HR-IPC-MS/ICP-TOF-MS)研究土壤及水体中痕量元素与胶体物质之间相互作用方面具有丰富经验。目前已在NatureGeochimica et Cosmochimica ActaEnvironmental Science & TechnologyWater Research等高影响力期刊上发表180篇同行评审文章,总引用数为14290






